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This page will teach you how to add functional doors with physics to vehicles.


Doors may sometimes have synchronization issues, especially in multiplayer, which will be improved in future versions of DynamX ;)


Support for doors on blocks and props is planned and will arrive later.


You must have configured a vehicle.


This version of the tutorial only works with DynamX versions 4.0.0 and later.

Model Preparation

In your 3D model, separate each door into a separate object and export the model with the doors at the origin (point 0 0 0) of the model, just like the steering wheel, for example.

Note that only doors with rotation are supported; you cannot create a door that follows a translation (like the door of a van, for example).


Here is an example configuration for a door:

    Position: 1.0403 -0.2035 0.8
    Scale: 0.102 0.509 0.436
    LocalCarAttachPoint: 1.1038 -0.95709 0.93769
    LocalDoorAttachPoint: 0 -0.78 0

    OpenedDoorAngleLimit: 0 0.78
    ClosedDoorAngleLimit: 0 0
    DoorOpenForce: 1 200
    DoorCloseForce: -1.5 300
The values should be adapted to your model and the direction in which the door should open.

And here is an explanation of each of the properties:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
LocalCarAttachPoint Vector in Blender format (X, Z, Y*-1) Door attachment point relative to the origin of the car object. -
LocalDoorAttachPoint Vector in Blender format (X, Z, Y*-1) Door attachment point relative to the origin of the door object, corresponding to the previous point. -
PartName String (can be used for naming or describing) Name of the door object in your model. -
Position Vector in Blender format (X, Z, Y*-1) Object Position -
Optional Properties
Name Type Description Default Value
AttachStrength Integer Door attachment strength (determines the force applied before the door breaks). (Not used for now). 400
AutoMountDelay Very short integer (range of -128 to +127) Delay before the player is automatically mounted on the seat linked to the car (right-click directly on the door). 40
Axis Physical axis (X, Y, Z, X_ROT, Y_ROT, Z_ROT) Door rotation axis. Y_ROT
ClosedDoorAngleLimit Vector with 2 axes (X, Y) Minimum Limit, Maximum Limit (Door closing angle). 0 0
DependsOn String (can be used for naming or describing) Unused -
DoorCloseForce Vector with 2 axes (X, Y) Velocity (closing action speed), Maximum Force (door closing). -1.5 300
DoorCloseTime Very short integer (range of -128 to +127) Currently not used. 25
DoorOpenForce Vector with 2 axes (X, Y) Velocity (opening action speed), Maximum Force (door opening). 1 200
Enabled Value that can either enable (True) or disable (False) a property Enables the physical door system. If you set it to false, the door will only be drawn but won't open. true
OpenedDoorAngleLimit Vector with 2 axes (X, Y) Minimum Limit, Maximum Limit (Door opening angle). 0 0
Scale Vector with inverted Y and Z axes (X, Z, Y) Object Size 1 1 1

To help you configure them, you can use the 'Door attach points' debug option: image-1{ width="90%" }


You can now add doors to DynamX vehicles! If you encounter difficulties or find this tutorial unclear, you can seek help on the DynamX Discord.