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This page explains how to use DynamX to add armor with a .obj model.

Model Preparation

Once you have modeled your armor in Blender, you need to separate the different parts and give them the following names:

Armor Part Model Object Name Blender Position (x y z)
Body bodyModel 0 0 0
Head headModel 0 0 0
Left Arm leftArmModel -0.3125 0 -0.125
Right Arm rightArmModel 0.3125 0 -0.125
Left Leg leftLegModel 0.11875 0 -0.75
Right Leg rightLegModel 0.11875 0 -0.75
Left Foot leftFeetModel -
Right Foot rightFeetModel -

Here is the recommended structure you should have:



This is a recommended structure; you will see later that you can use fewer objects (e.g., only a helmet).


Display Steve in Blender to properly size the different parts of the armor.

Model Export

Export the created model in .obj format, accompanied by the .mtl file and associated .png files, and place them in a folder assets/dynamxmod/models/obj/your_armor_name/ in your pack.


Pay attention to the object names provided by Blender by default (open the exported .obj file with a text editor and make sure you have o bodyModel for the body), do the same for the other objects in the model...

Armor Configuration

Create an armors folder in your pack, then create a file armor_your_armor_name.dynx in it.


To be recognized, the file name must start with "armor_"!

Here are the different properties to fill in:


To modify the item's appearance, go here: item configuration.

You have configured the base of the armor; now you need to configure how it will be displayed:

  • Head Configuration:

Add ArmorHead: headModel to add a helmet item that draws the headModel object from the model.

  • Body Configuration:

To add a chestplate item, add ArmorBody: bodyModel to draw the bodyModel object from the model, and add ArmorArms: leftArmModel rightArmModel to draw the leftArmModel and rightArmModel objects from the model.

  • Leg Configuration:

Add ArmorLegs: leftLegModel rightLegModel to add legging items that draw the leftLegModel and rightLegModel objects from the model.

  • Foot Configuration:

Add ArmorFoot: leftFeetModel rightFeetModel to add boot items that draw the leftFeetModel and rightFeetModel objects from the model.

  • Texture Variant Configuration

This part is explained in multi-texture configuration.


If you put multiple textures on your armor, it cannot have a durability bar.


There you have it; you have added your armor to the game. If you have any further questions, head to the DynamX Discord!