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Adding Items with .obj Models

This page explains how to use DynamX to add items with a .obj model.

If you want to modify the rendering of an item for a vehicle, block, prop, or armor, please refer to the second part of this page.

Adding a Simple Item

Model Preparation

In your modeling software, place the item's center at 0 0 0, where the hand will hold it.

Model Export

Export the model in .obj format, along with the .mtl and associated .png files, and place them in a folder assets/dynamxmod/models/obj/your_item_name/ in your pack.

Item Configuration

Create an items folder in your pack, then create a file item_your_item.dynx in it.


To be recognized, the file name must start with item_!

Here are the different properties to fill in:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
Description String (can be used for naming or describing) Item Lore -
Model ResourceLocation: path to a resource in the format modid:folder/resource. For example, with dynamxmod:model1/model1.obj, the model should be in assets/dynamxmod/models/model1/model1.obj Model Path OBJ obj/name_of_vehicle/name_of_model.obj
Name String (can be used for naming or describing) Item Name -
Optional Properties
Name Type Description Default Value
CreativeTabName, CreativeTab, TabName String (can be used for naming or describing) Creates a new page in the creative menu containing the item where this property is specified, with the defined name. None will hide the item from the creative menu. CreativeTab of DynamX
IconText String (can be used for naming or describing) Text drawn on the item's icon in menus Block for blocks, Prop for props
Item3DRenderLocation Item rendering type (NONE or WORLD or ALL) See Below all
ItemRotate Vector with 3 axes (X, Y, Z) Modifies the rotation of the item 0 0 0
ItemScale Decimal number Item Rendering Scale 0.9
ItemTranslate Vector with 3 axes (X, Y, Z) Modifies the translation of the item 0 0 0
MaxItemStackSize Integer Maximum stack size of the item 1


The translation of the item name is automatically created with the value of "Name".

Modifying the In-Game Rendering of an Item

By default, all items are rendered in 3D with their .obj model.

It is possible to modify this rendering with the ItemScale and Item3DRenderLocation (optional) options.

Item3DRenderLocation indicates where your item is rendered in 3D. Here are the 3 possible values:

  • all: The item is rendered in 3D everywhere.
  • world: The item is rendered in 3D everywhere except in menus (GUIs), where its 2D texture is used.
  • none: The rendering is always 2D, and the item's texture is used.

If Item3DRenderLocation is different from all:

Upon the first launch, a JSON file for the item, assets/dynamxmod/models/item/your_item.json, will be automatically created in your pack, pointing to a texture assets/dynamxmod/textures/item/your_item.png (not created). You can later add the texture and/or modify the JSON.


You have added your item to the game. If you have further questions, please visit the DynamX Discord!