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Vehicle Specific Configurations (Cars, Trucks, Two-Wheelers, Trailers)

This page provides specific configurations for cars, trucks, two-wheelers, and trailers. Make sure you have already configured the base for your vehicle.


You must have exported the .obj models and configured the entire base of the vehicle.

Vehicle Configuration

Steering Wheel Configuration

To add a steering wheel, add the following to the vehicle's configuration:

    PartName: SteeringWheel
    Position: x y z
    BaseRotationQuat: w x y z
Here are all the possible properties:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
Position Vector in Blender format (X, Z, Y*-1) Position of the steering wheel on the chassis -
Optional Properties
Name Type Description Default Value
PartName String (can be used for naming or describing) Name of the steering wheel object in your model SteeringWheel
Rotation, BaseRotation, BaseRotationQuat Quaternion (X, Y, Z, W) Basic rotation of the steering wheel, if you leave it as 0 0 0 0, the steering wheel will be flat facing you, rotation indicated in Blender in "quaternion" mode none

Trailer Configuration:

If your vehicle is a trailer (has no engine), or if a trailer can be attached to this vehicle, add:

    AttachPoint: x y z
    AttachStrength: maximum_force

Here are all the possible properties:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
AttachPoint Vector in Blender format (X, Z, Y*-1) Attachment point of the trailer on the model -
Optional Properties
Name Type Description Default Value
AttachStrength Integer Should only be specified in the trailer configuration (not the car's) and defines the maximum force that can be applied to the attachment before it breaks (1000 is a good value for a lightweight car trailer) -


If you configure a trailer, make sure your file is named trailer_your_vehicle.dynx!


You have completed the car configuration. The next steps will be to configure its engine (and its sounds) and then its wheels! If you like, you can also add functional doors and working headlights.