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This page will teach you how to add an engine to your car, boat, or helicopter.


You must have configured your first vehicle.

Engine Configuration:

Create a file engine_your_engine.dynx (preferably in the same folder as your vehicle).

The default engine name to be specified in the vehicle configuration will then be DefaultEngine: YourPack.your_engine.


To be recognized, the filename must start with "engine_"!

Here are the different properties to fill in:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
Braking Decimal number Engine braking power (when you release the accelerator) -
MaxRPM Decimal number Maximum engine revolutions per minute -
Power Decimal number Engine power -
Optional Properties
Name Type Description Default Value
SteeringMethod Integer Steering behavior, 0: direct, 1: interpolated, 2: a mix between 0 and 1. 0
TurnSpeed Decimal number Speed at which the steering wheel turns the wheels 0.09
Power Curve Configuration:


This configuration is only useful for cars and boats. It is unnecessary for helicopters.

The power of an engine varies according to its revolutions per minute (RPM). Here's how to configure it, using its points:

    RPMPower: rpm ratio
    RPMPower: rpm ratio
    RPMPower: rpm ratio
    RPMPower: rpm ratio

Where ratio is the power ratio (between 0 and 1) and rpm is the corresponding revolutions per minute. You can add as many points as you want.


The number of rpm in the last point must be greater than or equal to the engine's MaxRPM (defined above).

Speed Configuration:


This configuration is only useful for cars and boats. It is unnecessary for helicopters.

Speeds are automatically switched according to the levels defined in the engine configuration.

Example of the speed configuration for the ds7:

    SpeedRange: 0 -30
    RPMRange: 800 5500
    SpeedRange: -1000000 1000000
    RPMRange: 0 5500
    SpeedRange: 0 20
    RPMRange: 800 2750
    SpeedRange: 15 40
    RPMRange: 900 2750
    SpeedRange: 35 60
    RPMRange: 900 2750
    SpeedRange: 55 80
    RPMRange: 900 2750
    SpeedRange: 75 110
    RPMRange: 900 2900
    SpeedRange: 90 200
    RPMRange: 1050 5500


Gear_0 is the reverse gear, Gear_1 is neutral, and Gear_2, ..., Gear_7 are forward speeds (you can add as many as you want).

Here is the definition of the properties:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
RPMRange List of integers RPM range at which this speed will be shifted by the automatic transmission -
SpeedRange List of integers Speed range (in km/h) at which this speed will be shifted by the automatic transmission -

Engine Sound Configuration:

Create a file sounds_your_sounds.dynx (preferably in the same folder as your vehicle).

The default sound names to indicate in the vehicle configuration will then be DefaultSounds: YourPack.your_sounds.


To be recognized, the file name must start with "sounds_".

Here is the structure to follow (example of the ds7):

            Sound: tt_start
            Sound: tt_int_idle
            PitchRange: 0.5 2.0
            Sound: tt_int_low
            PitchRange: 0.0 0.7
            Sound: tt_int_high
            PitchRange: 0.0 0.65
            Sound: tt_start
            Sound: tt_ex_idle
            PitchRange: 0.5 2.0
            Sound: tt_ex_low
            PitchRange: 0.0 0.7
            Sound: tt_ex_high
            PitchRange: 0.0 0.65


Interior and Exterior sounds are separated into two distinct sections.

For each sound, you must specify the sound file name in the "Sound" property in such a way that for a sound named "test" placed in assets/dynamxmod/sounds/test.ogg, you would have Sound: test.


Like in vanilla Minecraft, only .ogg sounds are supported.

The "Starting" sound plays when the engine is started and does not require a PitchRange.

Other sounds depend on the engine's RPM (Revolutions Per Minute). For example, the "0-1500" sound will play between 0 and 1500 RPM. In this case, "PitchRange" defines the pitch of the sound at 0 RPM and at 1500 RPM (if the pitch value is 1, the sound will be the same as in the .ogg file, if the pitch value is 0.5, it will be very low, and conversely, it will be very high if the pitch value is 2). A transition is made between each sound by the mod.


For helicopters, the RPM is defined based on the power given by the player. This directly corresponds to the rotor's rotation speed.

Here is the definition of the properties:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
RPMRange, PowerRange List of integers Array of two integers, rpm_min and rpm_max. RPM range of the sound: it is played between rpm_min and rpm_max. -
Sound String (can be used for naming or describing) Path to the sound file in ogg format (without .ogg). No need for sounds.json! -
Optional Properties
Name Type Description Default Value
PitchRange List of decimal numbers Array of two floating-point numbers, pitch_min and pitch_max. Pitch range of the sound: this allows modifying the engine sound's pitch (higher or lower). pitch_min corresponds to rpm_min, and the same for pitch_max and rpm_max. 0.5 2.0


The behavior of sounds can be modified using the mod's API events (see the dedicated documentation).


If you have followed all the steps, you may still need to configure the wheels ;)