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This page provides specific configurations for helicopters. Make sure you have already configured the base of the helicopter.


You must have exported the obj models and configured the entire base of the helicopter.

Helicopter Configuration

To configure a helicopter, you will need a rotor, physics, and a joystick. Here's how to configure everything:

Rotor Configuration

Here is an example of rotor configuration:

    Position: 0 0.432414 3.99325
    RotationAxis: 0 1 0
    RotationSpeed: 70
    PartName: main_rotor

Position defines the position of the rotor on the helicopter. RotationAxis defines its rotation axis: with 0 1 0, it will be vertical, like the main rotor of a helicopter, and with 1 0 0, it will be horizontal, like the tail rotor. RotationSpeed defines the rotor's rotation speed at the maximum power of the helicopter.

PartName defines the part of the 3D model to be drawn. It must be separate from the chassis and positioned at 0 0 0 when exporting the model, similar to the steering wheel of a car.

Here is the list of all configurable parameters:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
PartName String (can be used for naming or describing) Name of the rotor part in the OBJ model -
Position Vector in Blender format (X, Z, Y*-1) Object Position -
Optional Properties
Name Type Description Default Value
DependsOn String (can be used for naming or describing) Unused -
Rotation Quaternion (X, Y, Z, W) Rotation of the part on the vehicle, rotation indicated in Blender in "quaternion" mode none
RotationAxis Vector with 3 axes (X, Y, Z) Rotation axis of the rotor (0, 1, 0 for a horizontal rotor, for example, 1, 0, 0 for a vertical rotor) 0, 1, 0
RotationSpeed Decimal number Rotation speed of the rotor at full power 0.0
Scale Vector with inverted Y and Z axes (X, Z, Y) Object Size 1 1 1

You can add as many rotors as you want, as long as their names start with "Rotor".

Physics Configuration

Here, we will define the physics of the helicopter. There are many parameters, but it's not so complicated. Here's an example:

    MinPower: 0.4
    InclinedGravityFactor: 1.8
    ThrustForce: 3000
    VerticalThrustCompensation: 2000
    BrakeForce: 500
    MouseYawForce: 2600
    MousePitchForce: 2000
    MouseRollForce: 400
    RollForce: 6000

All of these parameters are explained here:

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
BrakeForce Decimal number Force applied to the rotor when braking/descending 200
InclinedGravityFactor Decimal number Gravity factor when the helicopter is inclined 1.8f
MinPower Decimal number Minimum rotor power 0.4f
MousePitchForce Decimal number Force applied to the rotor when turning - X axis 2000
MouseRollForce Decimal number Force applied to the rotor when turning the mouse - Z axis 400
MouseYawForce Decimal number Force applied to the rotor when turning - Y axis 2600
RollForce Decimal number Force applied to the rotor when turning with the keyboard - Z axis 6000
ThrustForce Decimal number Force applied to the rotor when accelerating/climbing 3000
VerticalThrustCompensation Decimal number Gravity compensation when climbing (purely vertical force) 2000

Flight Controls Configuration

Coming soon.

Required Properties
Name Type Description Example
PartName String (can be used for naming or describing) TODO -
Position Vector in Blender format (X, Z, Y*-1) Object Position -
Optional Properties
Name Type Description Default Value
DependsOn String (can be used for naming or describing) Unused -
Scale Vector with inverted Y and Z axes (X, Z, Y) Object Size 1 1 1


Congratulations! If you've followed all the steps, you've just added your first helicopter to the game! If you have any further questions, feel free to visit the DynamX Discord server. You can also add functional doors and lights to it.